The easiest way to stimulate the imagination and development of children

mycares.- Here's the easiest way to stimulate the imagination and development of children:


Waving. Smiled and waved at uncle or aunt next to the house will help the baby to put things in their proper perspective. "Children observe their parents to get a hint of things," says Claire Lerner, a child development expert and licensed clinical social worker. "Smiling and waving a friendly things that you would do so to see someone you love." Let it respond to you. Give your baby a chance to respond when you talk to him, even just a smile away.


spilling a bowl of pasta to the floor it makes you frustrated. But believe me, this is part of a child's learning process. Babies begin 'science subjects' early on. At the age of 2 months, he already understood the basic concepts of the law of gravity - which will not hinder any object to fall. At the age of 9 months, babies begin to realize that the objects that are hidden will not be easily found. Well, will you help her to know everything?


At the age of 4.5 months, babies have a 'sense' of numbers that made him aware of the changes in the number of objects in front of him. According to research conducted at Harvard University. Together with children, let's count the pieces of cheese or peas are placed in rows at the front desk of his high chair. Once he almost reached the age of 2 years, show her how to divide the food by category, which is differentiated by color.

When he threw the glass to the floor (again), count to 10 and remind yourself that a child is learning something. Research shows that when parents say things like 'please' or 'no' too often, infant language development it will slow down because the order blocking it to explore anything. Unable to bear with a dirty floor? Cover the floor with old newspapers, or with whom he played messy outdoors or while bathing.


During play, show the baby how a toy works. After that, let him play. "When I saw a child at a loss, do not directly help," said Mendel Klein, occupational therapists of children in New York City who is also a father of the preschool. "Later, he would know, anyway, that the glass is smaller than a flower pot. He will also learn, with great difficulty, that he could solve many problems. "If he's really frustrating, you can give emotional support, advice Lerner. Knowing something is not easy, so give praise for their efforts. Then, help the child to find the best solution.


Toys that make a child can enter a specific shape to it will make the children learn about the concept of space and how to solve the problem. Similarly toys that made him think how to get back the ball which rolled under the sofa. You do not need to buy a super-sophisticated ball to develop his abilities, says Lerner. Maria Brown from Washington, D.C., know this. At the age of 14 months, the toy boy clothesline clothespin favorite is made of wood and empty tissue box.

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