Tips to make children smarter

my Cares- Tips to make children smarter

Perform the following 10 ways for children to be active and intelligent

1. In the beginning, provide sensory stimulation.

In infants, understanding something begins with sensory capabilities.
This means that, especially at an early age (0-6 months), infants received information about the surrounding environment through the five senses. Every sight, hearing, smell, taste, and palpability accomplishments, will give rise to a variety of sensations which in turn creates an understanding of the baby's brain. Chuck the towel in her body after a shower, for example, will stimulate cognitive development, because of the smears is a baby learns about the texture of soft terry cloth.

2. Avoid over stimulation and disturbing noises.

The noise affects concentration. This also applies to the baby. He needs peace when the middle to form an understanding of something. Try also not to give stimulation to the barrage. How it will actually make a baby's brain working too fast so as not able to digest the experience that he gets well. Do it slowly and with a stimulation frequency repetitive.

3. Create an environment that encourages learning.

In addition to a quiet and safe neighborhood, a neighborhood full of a variety of goods stimulation will encourage learning in infants. Needless to expensive items. During the function of stimulation, however, anything can be used, such as mineral water bottles filled with rice. Simple homemade toy is useful to stimulate the baby's hearing. To give a different sound, just replace the contents in the bottle, rice with dry shelled corn, for example.

4. Responding to a given signal the baby.

Positive responses given by parents will make the baby feel cared for and further strengthen the meanings as he construct an understanding of something in his brain.

5. Give him a chance to make changes.

When the baby play, handed the toy which allows him to make changes. Toys according to age (easy to grip) and secure is very advisable.

6. Give the freedom to explore.

Babies learn from the surrounding environment through a variety of exploration. Create a variety of environments that are beneficial for cognitive development. Again, this does not require great effort and expensive prices.

7. Do not distract him.

When on the move with the baby, including playing, accept whatever is interesting for the baby at the time. Do not distract the baby to others, especially his preoccupation with stopping suddenly.

8. Give awards.

Forms can award in positive words. When the child managed to reach a toy that is nearby, eg, smile at her, "Well, my son has been able to hold a toy smart," Awards like this will add to the belief that he is capable of.

9. Talk to the baby, even though she did not yet understand.

Babies need interaction with others in the vicinity. Interactions among others obtained when the father / mother diligent conversing with. Although the baby seems to not understand what dipercakapkan, this interaction will stimulate cognitive development.

10. Read books stories or tell stories.

Reading stories / storytelling in a warm atmosphere and affectionate able to leave a strong impression on the memory of the baby, both the content and the colorful story and see the pictures on the book.

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